Have you ever celebrated an anniversary with 31 zeroes ? I am about to do it.
Well, a
"secondiversary" in fact. In binary.
Int32 overflow will occur in ...
Hello World
Aged 9 or 10. Learned in this book cool stuff called "binary numbers".
They say it is the language of computers. Although it is unlikely, I hope I will have the chance to see a
computer at least once in my life.
(right-click picture and open in new tab to read the article)

June, 1974. The day before my baccalaureate, ask classmate to be my girlfriend.
Still with her today.
September, 1976. At school, I begin to learn Fortan. Running a program is a
heavy process:
punch cards, put
the stack of card on a shelf, and come back the next day to find a listing saying "syntax error line 46". Re-punch
card 46, wait another 24 hrs crossing my fingers… Never used Fortan later, but it taught me I loved programming.
September, 1977. Still at school, first practical work directly on computer.
Enter program in binary with
panel switches. The program was short :)

December 1979. I buy my 1st computer : a KIM 1.
Based on 8-bit microprocessor 6502. 1k RAM. No typo. Hexadecimal keyboard for input, six seven-segments digits
display : 4 for address, 2 for data.
I had very much fun with it, coding in hexadecimal. I still remember only one opcode : A9 for load register A
(immediate addressing).

January, 1982. Now I have an Apple 2 - written Apple ][. With Basic, 48k RAM,
graphics, floppy disk… More comfort than I ever dreamt of.
French personal 8-bit computers (TO-8, TO-9) will follow with more and more amazing features during the next
I bought my first 16bit PC about in 1990. I can't really say when. One thing I am
sure is that I did not even know the word "internet" in those times.
Turbo-Pascal became my favorite language.
Beginning of 2000. First personal internet subscription. I discover HTML and
JS. CSS? No, what is this?
I put my first web page on line in december: a game of solitaire, written in a bad JS. No, worse than that. But
was proud of it.
Try it at http://claude11.chez-alice.fr/solitaire.htm.
In French.
The form to send comments does not work, but the game itself does.
In 2001-2015, I make heavy use of PHP and mysql.
About 2016: I re-discover JS. I realize it is not just a toy.
I sign up for Codepen. I publish my first pen in november 2018. Nice place, I
think I will come back often.
March, 2022. I become a Codepen "pro".
int32 overflow